Wednesday 2 April 2008


1.Citizen Journalism
Citizen journalism, also known as public or participatory journalism, is the act of citizens "playing an active role in the process of collecting, reporting, analyzing and disseminating news and information," according to the seminal report We Media: How Audiences are Shaping the Future of News and Information, by Shayne Bowman and Chris Willis. They say, "The intent of this participation is to provide independent, reliable, accurate, wide-ranging and relevant information that a democracy requires. Citizen journalism is a specific form of citizen media. as well as user generated content.

2.Emily Bell
In her article Emily Bell empresses key opinions and views about citizen journalism. In particular she shows concern for lack of quality information, as well as concerns for the possible use of bias and lack of truth in the article or digital media. It is also a risk from the impact of exaggeration. This is also a major concern becuase of the fact that the information is not checked or edited so the information could be opinion rather than fact. She also writes that the 9/11 terrorist attacks begain the infatuation with blogging with the use of digital media and personal accounts of the events

This video is clearly expressing the power that the internet has and also predicts the future of growth that the internet will have. The idea that merges will continue to happen between ig internet companies and technogies until it is at the point where these groups no everyones personal details. It predicts the merge of Amazon and google which entail would make the details of people public

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